
Role: self exploration / hobby

Stoneware made during introductory course to wheel throwing. Hand molded plates for rustic look and practiced shaping clay on the wheel for symmetrical bowls. Had a blast, plus some frustration, figuring out how glazing works.

Clay: Laguna Clay WC-403 Speckled Buff, Cone 5
Glaze: Matte White Pebble

Clay: Laguna Clay WC-403 Speckled Buff, Cone 5
Glaze: Matte White Pebble, Clear Gloss


Clay: Laguna Clay WC-403 Speckled Buff, Cone 5
Underglaze: Plum
Glaze: Matte White Pebble

Color samples of select underglazes and glazes on 612 and speckled buff clays. View glaze details on blog.